Monday, July 2, 2012

Music Blog - I'M BACK!

I had deleted this blog, but now I wonder why and can't remember.
Never had music let me down.
Has it filled me with expectations that will never happen?
Yes, but books, movies, and advertisements do that as well.
Therefore, I would once again like to thank music.
Music stopped me the other night from saying some things I would have regretted later on.
I listened to some classical music because I find it very soothing and it allows my mind to clear of bad thoughts and makes room for happier thoughts, so in other words, I ended up saying completely different words and the words I said were well said.
My choices are influenced by music often, so I'm trying to listen to calmer music.
Sing your heart out, listen to some music, jam out, strum a little tune - Until next time, let music fill your senses and stay out of unnecessary trouble!

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