Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Friends Agree - Music Makes the World Go 'Round

"People say money makes the world go 'round. That's true but music truly makes my world go 'round, since I don't know what I would do without it." -D Hartmann

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Lalalalalalala, I hear singing in my head. Lalalalalalala, the singing never seems to end. Lalalalalalala, please why don't we just pretend that Lalalalalalala is now going to end.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Here is a quote that made my day. There was a 8 year old girl who was diagnosed with cancer who was able to make it through the hardships thanks to music. Even when her mother passed from this world, her music saved her from following.

"Music. Music is what moves my soul, and gets me through the good and bad days.
3 days after I was first diagnosed with cancer, my mother bought me my first clarinet (I was 8 years old) and over the next few years of my life, and the fight, I played that clarinet when I was sick, well, angry, sad, happy. It was my outlet. When my mother died and I wanted to kill myself, I picked up that clarinet, cried like I never cried before, and played music.
Music speaks to me. The harmonies, the melodies, the lyrics. I find the meanings of the songs and I live them. I feel them. And they heal me from the inside out. There are times when I just don't want to be here anymore, and well music, music has kept me from doing the unthinkable time and time again.Music saved me. When words can't speak, music does. Always."
This is a wonderful quote that I believe just about perfectly sums up how I think of music.

"Music is my lifeline. I listen to music constantly. Music has gotten me through the rough patches in my life by reminding me what it's like to feel alive. Music makes me think, feel, and sometimes, when its really bad, music makes me just remember to keep breathing." -bvb1123

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you love music, whether it be vocal or instrumental, just remember that even though it may not seem the best at times, if you find the right rhythm or song...well, you will never let it go.