Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Music Is Best?

There is no 'best' kind of music. Music is music no matter how it is sung or played. Some people like hearing about things they can relate to while others like songs about events they know they will never experience just like some like soft music while others like to lose themselves in music so loud it drowns out everything else. So next time you ask someone what music is best or you ask their favorite, realize that no song is actually better than another, everyone has their own preferences, just as they like to appear one way or they choose to eat meat or avoid meat altogether. Don't judge someone by what they listen to, because maybe you don't enjoy the music they like, but that does not mean you will have nothing in common or that they are bad people. It just means that either something in their live relates to that music, they just like it more, or maybe they understand the meaning while others cannot grasp it. Sing on my followers, play to your hearts desire, play your music and do not think of what others will think!

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