Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Emotional, meaningful, life changing.
Beautiful, harsh, and heartwarming.
Music can mean everything,
Anything, or even nothing.
Listen, reach out, and open up to the music,
You're sure to enjoy,
I can guarantee it will change your mood.

Friday, April 20, 2012

"When you need a friend, look to music - it will never run." ~Alyssa Hellenbrand

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Music fills in those awkward moments.
Music relives stress.
Music is a way to express ourselves.
Music can make us happy.
Music sometimes reflects us and makes us feel less alone.
Music guides us through life.
Music should never be left alone, no one should go their life without music, and if someone you know doesn't listen to music or is in need of a friend and somehow you aren't enough, give them music. With music you can never go wrong. Well, I guess you could, but it's much harder to go wrong with music than with normal words or a gift." ~Alyssa Hellenbrand

"Bully" by Shinedown

Okay, now normally I don't just post lyrics to songs, but in the case of "Bully" by Shinedown, I believe that these words are very inspirational - mean at times, but none-the-less, they helped me get through some difficult times by simply reminding me that bullies really aren't all-that like they want you to think. I hope you enjoy.
If you would like to listen to the song, here is a link:

[Verse 1]
It’s 8 A.M.
This hell I’m in
Seems I’ve crossed the line again
For being nothing more than who I am

So break my bones
And throw your stones
We all know that life ain’t fair
But there is more of us
We’re everywhere

We don’t have to take this
Back against the wall
We don’t have to take this
We can end it all

All you’ll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely
Push him to the dirt
‘Til the words don’t hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You’re a bully


[Verse 2]
Think it through
You can’t undo
Whenever I see black and blue
I feel the past
I share the bruise

With everyone
Who’s come and gone
My head is clear
My voice is strong
Now I’m right here to right the wrong

We don’t have to take this
Back against the wall
We don’t have to take this
We can end it all

All you’ll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely
Push him to the dirt
‘Til the words don’t hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You’re a bully


It’s 8 A.M.!
The Hell I’m in!
Your voice is strong!
Now right the wrong!

All you’ll ever be
Is a faded memory of a bully.
Make another joke
While they hang another rope
So lonely.
Push him to the dirt
‘Til the words don’t hurt
Can you hear me?
No ones gonna cry
On the very day you die
You’re a bully

[Repeat Chorus]

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Music has no limits. It seeps from the cracks, filling your world with rhythmic sound. If ever you feel alone, if you feel like no one understands, today all you need to do is type down what emotion you are feeling into a search engine and - BAM - there is someone who understands. Music is a way for people to share how they feel while also helping others through the tough times, so when you need a friend, look no further, music will always be there for you. Now, if you don't always have access to the internet or an instrument, then reach down, deep into your soul, and bellow your heart out to the world. Sing to the world of your fears that are crushing you, because although not everyone knows how to write a song, you can still create music. Until later - SING ON!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

When you think about music...what comes to mind? For me, everything I have ever gone through flashes through my mind because there is some kind of music that will somehow reflect my memories in at least one or maybe even more ways. No one can know music and honestly believe it has no worth, because to believe that would be to deny the truth buried deep inside you from the first moment you hear the music in nature, the melody of your parents' voices as they welcome you into the world, the way even traffic has a rhythm to go by, and not once is there a moment in life when not one thing could be seen as music. Open your ears, for even if you are deaf, there is a rhythm to the movement of the living things around you. Do not ignore music, for when there is no more music to hear or see, then your time is over, there is no life.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Music Is Best?

There is no 'best' kind of music. Music is music no matter how it is sung or played. Some people like hearing about things they can relate to while others like songs about events they know they will never experience just like some like soft music while others like to lose themselves in music so loud it drowns out everything else. So next time you ask someone what music is best or you ask their favorite, realize that no song is actually better than another, everyone has their own preferences, just as they like to appear one way or they choose to eat meat or avoid meat altogether. Don't judge someone by what they listen to, because maybe you don't enjoy the music they like, but that does not mean you will have nothing in common or that they are bad people. It just means that either something in their live relates to that music, they just like it more, or maybe they understand the meaning while others cannot grasp it. Sing on my followers, play to your hearts desire, play your music and do not think of what others will think!

What Is Music?

Music is an art. It is sound being created and formed into expressions and feelings that inspire those who listen. Music changes people through its many different rhythms, melodies, harmonies, and its tones.